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Baby Buddha
Baby Buddha
Baby Buddha

Baby Buddha

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This features the Buddha sitting down, both hands held at chest level. This has to do with the moment immediately after he reached enlightenment and gave his first sermon to a group of devotees who had previously scorned him. It is propitious for those who seek success in education or those who wish to take a spiritual path.


This pose sees the Buddha deep in meditation,
face forward, eyes closed, hands in the lap, and
sitting either in a double lotus pose, with both
legs tucked under each other, or the single lotus
pose, with one leg placed over the other. This is
generally used to develop serenity zones in ones'
abode, as the statue has a calming effect on
people, and helps in meditation.


This pose has to do with his final life, the moment just before he finally achieved Nirvana through his enlightenment thereby escaping from the endless cycle of Death and Rebirth (Samsara.) His head resting on his palms, on his right side.